Save the Dream, Buy Leggings


Dream: It’s a lovely spring day, complete with puffy white clouds and sunshine aplenty. We’re taking a stroll around town as a family, in and out of boutiques, perhaps some leisurely patio dining. All is right in the world.

Nightmare: It’s a lovely spring day, complete with wind and bugs. We’re taking a stroll around town and our daughter starts complaining that her dress is bugging her because the breeze is blowing it up. We stop for patio dining, but she can’t sit on the plastic chair because her legs kept sticking to it. She’s cold and she wants to go home now!

Reality: Invest in leggings. Every single color you can. Keep a pair in your purse. Even stash one in your glove compartment. Bring them with you everywhere. They’ll solve a great number of clothing issues. Pretty designer baby clothes and a pair of brightly colored baby leggings! What more do you want? For spring, think sunny yellow, baby bird blue or green grass…the perfect additions to any skirt or dress conundrum that might mess up your otherwise dreamy day of fun.

Leggings even saved us from ultimate doom when we passed a playground and she was wearing, yet again, a dress. No slides for her until she slid into a pair of leggings. Because, as we all know, hot slide plus bare backs of legs plus speed equals ouch!

With leggings, all is right in the world. Or at the very least, you’ve got everything covered. Literally.