When it comes to baby showers, there is a long list of generic and popular baby shower gifts that are always bought in abundance. These include things like diapers, wipes, clothes, and toys.
This means that a lot of very important and useful items get neglected and forgotten, which can leave parents scrambling for a whole bunch of things once the baby is here.
To prevent this, we are going to give you a list of some of the most forgotten baby shower gifts. With this guide, you’re sure to be the parents-to-be’s knight in shining armor with one of these gifts.
20 of the Most Forgotten Baby Shower Gifts
Gifts for Baby
Bigger Sized Baby Clothes
People tend to gift a lot of newborn-sized clothing, but they forget how quickly a baby actually grows.
Babies grow at an insanely fast rate, and often, sizes 0-3 months don’t last very long at all. For this reason, it is ideal to buy clothing sizes bigger than 3 months old.
We would recommend buying things like organic cotton baby clothes that go up to a size of at least 12 - 18 months so that the baby doesn’t outgrow them too quickly.
Nasal Aspirator
Nasal aspirators are one of the best baby shower gifts to get first-time moms. There are different nasal aspirators around, but the three most common ones are bulb syringes, electric, and manual nasal aspirator.
We would suggest getting either a manual or electric nasal aspirator, rather than a bulb syringe. This is because they are easier to clean, don’t need to go so high up the baby’s nose, and are overall more hygienic.
These devices help clear up a baby’s nasal passageways, which helps them to eat and breathe better and also prevent choking.
A lot of new parents don’t actually realize how much this will come in handy, though. So whether or not this is on their registry, we couldn’t recommend getting it more.
Dishwasher Safe Basket for Baby Bottles
Washing baby bottles is a tedious job. You want to make sure that your baby’s bottles are as clean and sterilized as possible, but with all the little pieces they contain, it can end up taking you hours.
Putting baby bottles in the dishwasher would obviously be a lot more efficient and quicker method, but it is very easy for all the little pieces to get lost in the dishwasher or fall out.
This is why a dishwasher-safe basket is so handy. It is very likely that parents-to-be may forget to add this gift to their registry, as it is not something that you necessarily think about until you realize that you need one.
This is definitely a gift that will make the parents’ life a lot easier, and they will love you for gifting it to them.
A Cover for the Baby’s Car Seat
A car seat cover is not something that everyone thinks of, but it is something that is super handy to have.
It can be used to protect your baby from weather elements when they are outside or in the car, and it can be used as a cover-up when breastfeeding in public. It can also be used to deter people from coming up to your baby when they are napping.
Things like towels and clothes can easily fall or blow off, or not cover the whole car seat. A fitted cover is much more ideal and will make life a lot easier.
Although this may seem like a boring gift, your friends will definitely thank you for it. When your baby is young, a lot of things are battery-operated, and as Murphy’s Law would have it, the batteries all seem to lose power at the same time.
So, having a large supply of batteries will definitely be very beneficial, as you can never have enough of them.
Post-birth Photo Shoot
This is a very thoughtful baby gift idea. Getting a professional photographer to take photos of the baby as soon as it is born is very special, and are pictures that the parents will always treasure.
To make it even more special, you can include accessories and make the shoot theme based. For example, if the baby is born near Halloween, you can choose this as your theme, and it will be the perfect baby shower gift for Halloween.
This is the perfect baby shower gift from a Godmother or someone who is very close to the family.
A Stroller Organizer
A stroller organizer will make life so much easier for the new parents. Often, people are so often trying to figure out what type of stroller to buy as a gift, they forget how helpful it is to have a stroller organizer, too.
When you are taking your baby on walks, it often isn’t practical to walk around with a massive bag. And there is no space to keep all of the baby’s things in most strollers.
Having a stroller organizer allows you to keep toys, pacifiers, and nappies on hand, and it will make for a much happier and more content baby, and parent, if you can have all their things nearby.
Educational Books
People often buy an abundance of toys, like handmade soft animals, but they forget to include educational books that will be of such value when the baby is a bit older.
Not only will these books offer a wealth of knowledge to the baby, but they are also a great gift because they can be a female or male baby shower gift.
A Tag for Car Seats or Strollers That Says “Do Not Touch”
You might be surprised at this, but it is such a common thing for strangers to go up to a stroller or car seat and touch or interact with a baby, even without the permission of the parents.
This can make a lot of parents uncomfortable and is something that most of them would like to avoid. Having a sign on their stroller or car seat that says “Please Do Not Touch” will help prevent this.
Baby Wooden Hair Brush Set
Most people forget about brushes because they think that it is not necessary to brush a young baby’s hair. But, it absolutely is.
And, what is even more important, is that you use the correct brushes to do so. Wooden brushes are one of the best options for babies and toddlers.
These types of brushes help to massage the baby’s scalp and stimulate hair growth. They also help with cradle cap and are effective in soothing and calming a baby that is fussing.
Clothes That Have a Zipper
There are very few things worse than trying to clip a wriggling baby into their body suit at 2 am when they are crying and moving all over the place.
Gifting parents clothes that have a zipper will save many hours of frustration, for both the parents and the baby, and will make late-night changes a much smoother process.
A Portable White Noise Machine
Babies sleep a lot easier when there is some sort of white noise that blocks out surrounding sounds.
It is all good and well that the baby gets used to sleeping with one at home, but when the parents go out, this might prove to be an issue. It is also something they may not consider.
A portable white noise machine will help tremendously when they are traveling or out visiting friends.
Gifts for the Siblings
While this is not a gift for the baby on the way, buying a gift for their siblings is extremely meaningful. Often these small gifts for siblings are forgotten and not thought about, as all the focus is placed on the baby on the way.
With a new baby coming into the picture, this can cause a lot of stress and jealousy with their sibling, as they don’t fully understand why the attention isn’t completely on them.
This can be heightened with a baby shower, especially when the sibling doesn’t receive any gifts.
So, buying a little something for them can help make the transition easier, and is just a really lovely thing to do.
Ideas of things that you can purchase for the sibling would be a matching outfit, matching blanket, a toy, a “Big Brother” or “Big Sister” kit, or a fun, colorful book that highlights how great it is to be an older sibling.
A Wall Ruler to Measure Height
Measuring a child’s height as they grow is something that children find exciting, and that parents find special. A lot of people just do this on a wall or pillar in a house, but the issue then comes if they move house, they can’t take it with.
Using a wall to measure height can also look a bit tacky after a while. If a wall-mounted wooden ruler is used instead it will not only look a lot better, but you can also remove it.
This is great for if they want to move houses, or they feel that it should be taken down and stored somewhere safe when the children have grown into adults.
Gifts for Mom and Dad
Gifts that make the top of the “most forgotten baby shower gifts” list are gifts for mom and dad. There are things that they are also going to need once the baby comes, especially mom in her post-partum recovery.
We have included a few very thoughtful and special baby shower gifts that you can get for them too as they transition into parenthood.
Meal Delivery Vouchers
When you have a newborn baby who is keeping you up all night, and keeping you busy 24/7, the last thing you feel like doing is cooking.
Buying them meal delivery vouchers can be an absolute lifesaver in the few first weeks after the baby has arrived.
They may not realize how much they will appreciate it before the time, but when the time does come, they won’t be able to thank you enough.
Post Partum Care Package
Postpartum care packages are something that is so overrated, but also something that will mean so much to the new mom.
These packages can include literally anything. Some ideas would be the mom’s favorite perfume, chocolates, postpartum care plans, a book, a new robe, skin care products; the list goes on!
Try to find out what she loves, and fill it with all of her favorite things.
Peri Bottle
While this isn’t the most glamorous gift around, it definitely is a great one for the mom in the first few days after birth.
Having a proper peri bottle, and not just any plastic bottle, will make her life a lot easier, and provide her with a bit of soothing and comfort.
Electronic Reading Device
This is definitely a gift most parents won’t even think of, but it will be very useful for those late-night feeding sessions.
When you do nighttime feeds, you obviously want to keep the room as dark and quiet as possible in hopes that the baby will fall back to sleep easily.
This means that watching tv or reading a normal book is out of the question. So what do you do for those few hours every night?
This is why an electronic reading device is a genius gift. It is quiet and doesn’t require lights to be switched on. It will help the new parents to combat boredom and stay awake while they are busy feeding the baby every night.
A Necklace with the Baby’s Initial
This is a very sentimental baby shower gift and something that the mother is bound to absolutely love.
It doesn’t need to be anything fancy, just a plain necklace with the baby’s initial on will bring the mother so much joy.
It is also a perfect baby shower gift idea for twins. Having both their initials on a necklace will allow the mom to keep them close to her at all times, and will definitely be priceless to her.
A Pregnancy and Baby Journal
Keeping in the theme of being sentimental, a pregnancy and baby journal is just that. Once you have a child, you realize how fast the years fly by. This is why it is so special to document and savor these years while the baby is still young.
Giving the parents a platform to be able to do this is one of the best things that you can offer them, even if they don’t realize it yet.
Baby showers are exciting times, and can really help take a bit of stress off of the parents-to-be. But, what doesn’t help is when they receive tons of gifts that are duplicates of each other.
Especially when things that they actually need are left out and they have to either do without them or try and buy them themselves.
Additionally, sometimes new parents don’t know what they are getting themselves into, and what exactly they are going to be using every day for their baby, which is why they may leave certain gifts off their registry.
Try and surprise them and get them one of the most forgotten baby shower gifts. These are often the most useful and the most practical, and they will be so thrilled that you thought of something different and unique.
Did You Find Our Blog Helpful? Then Consider Checking:
- Most Forgotten Baby Registry Items
- Unique Baby Registry Items
- Popular Baby Registry Items
- Non-Toxic Baby Registry
- Sustainable Baby Registry
- Baby Registry Must-Haves
- Baby Registry Clothing Checklist
- Toys to Put on Baby Registry
- When to Start Baby Registry
- What Not to Put on Baby Registry
- Is It Rude to Put Expensive Items on Baby Registry?
- How Many Items to Put on Baby Registry
- What Size Clothes to Put on Baby Registry
- Is Baby Registry Necessary
- Baby Registry Do's and Don’ts
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