Kick Out the Jams


Perfect for your little “too cool for school” boy, these purtin skate shorts by Munster Kids have a high cool factor. Which is exactly what boys need, if you were to ask my daughter on the subject of boys and coolness. Actually, you don’t have to ask. She’ll tell you straight out.

She’s always keen on letting me know when a boy isn’t being cool. Sometimes it’s through their behavior (Mom, he’s pushing. That’s not cool!) or their tone of voice (Mom, he’s yelling. That’s not cool!). But lately, as she begins to let her fashionista flag fly, it’s been involving the outfit choices of some little gents on the playground. She never tells them, but she sure tells me. She also tattles on my husband to me whenever he’s dressed in anything other than something very “cool.” And although I’ve been doing that for years, apparently he actually listens to her. Seems she has some fashion clout.

So it’s a good thing that the fashionable and fun team at Munster has created the perfect boy’s skater short. Phew. Whether they skate or not, now those unsuspecting little boys on the playground stand a chance against my little Fashion Policegirl.

The coolness quotient of these jams clearly exceeds expectations in both pattern (trendy plaid) and fit (adjustable waistband). And this pair can beat any test she can throw at them for measuring sheer awesomeness.

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