Baby Gifts: Estella Baby Toys & Gift Sets now at The Company Store


We’re thrilled to announce our partnership with the Company Store.  Our baby gifts, toys, and dolls are now being sold through their online shop and at their three Wisconsin retail locations.  With the Company store’s large customer base, Estella is now available to a larger audience that appreciates our aesthetic and the handmade nature of our children’s collection..

Shop on the Company store’s website for a select range of Estella’s certified organic, handcrafted baby gift sets including – the Elephant, Whale, Duck, Sneaker, Racecar, and Bunny sets.  The Company store offers these to its customers in Estella’s gift boxes ready for gifting.  Each set has an infant rattle toy, a newborn hat, and a 14″ square lovey or security blanket.  So the baby gets something memorable to play with, wear and a lovey to comfort them possibly through adulthood.

Also at the Company store, is a collection of Estella’s hand knitted dolls including – Flash, Seymour, Trixie, Flower Child, Elephant, and Mermaid.  This eclectic collection of superhero, hippie and mythical characters offer the Company stores broad customer base a healthy choice of Estella’s handmade all-cotton soft dolls for boys and girls.

Also at the Company store is a smattering of Estella’s popular “Baby Rattles” – Hot Sauce, Mr. President, Madam President, Pig, Giraffe & Taxi Rattles.  Again, this is an eclectic collection, which allows the Company stores varying customers to choose what they like – Election rattles, Animal Rattles, object rattles or a combination thereof.  These award-winning infant toys along with Estella’s dolls and gift sets complement the Company Store’s kids collection and offers our toys to a new, like-minded audience.  We are quite happy and encourage you to visit the Company store and check us out!